50% of proceeds will be donated to ZAKA ISRAEL

My Story

Hi and welcome!

I'm Alona Cohen, a wife, mother of 4, Montessori Certified Teacher and the creator of Kosher Kits.

As a Jewish Israeli / American mom who lives in the US, I strive to make my kids passionate and educated about Jewish Holidays.

Although we live in a Jewish community and the kids attend Jewish schools, I always feel like the atmosphere of the holidays is lacking.

The same goes for sensory play. Knowing how important exposure to different textures, smells, colors, and shapes is for young children, I've engaged my kids in sensory play beginning at 6 months. But I have seen so many kids with sensory problems and was eager to help.

Kosher Kits is my way of combining my love of the Jewish holidays, education and sensory play.

How it all began...

While trying to figure out a way to keep my toddler busy during a 15-hour flight I came up with the idea of making something fun, sensory and educational.

I made a playdough kit with things I had at home. Her reaction was amazing and she spent hours playing with the kit. Other parents on the plane asked to buy it from me and everyone around me said I should start a business. So I did. :)

I've been a bit busy, however, since that initial plane ride and kit. I am now blessed with two more children. And now, three years later with three little kids, I'm thrilled to present these wonderful kits to the world.